quatro asf

3/07/25 Post two

If you want to know who someone is then just watch them. No more of this needing someone to explain how good of a person they are. It annoys me a lot lately, and as they say "If something annoys you, you should talk about it to internet strangers" It's the grown up thing to do after all.
This putting it on someone to explain themselves with something that can be told by paying attention bugs me. This is because it almost always happens between people who are more than acquaintances, dare I say even between best friends forever. For the folks at home, this is also known as a BFF. And If it's not obvious, I mean pay attention to what I do to know who I am, not what I say. And I'll do the same for you.

This whole thing is to say, I've been hanging out with too many people in my age group this last year. No doubt it has negative effects, heed my advice dear reader. (lily most likely)

Don't worry I'm not that SERIOUS! I don't know if I've ever ranted like that about something, didn't feel too good but was a fun exercise. If you feel the same HML (hit my line) Just added a links section so I am prepared for the world. Got a video to make soon, and tea to make now. Catch you later.
